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How to Steady Your Rifle

How to Steady Your Rifle

Your scope doesn’t make your rifle a laser-accurate tool all on its own. At the end of the day, your accuracy is all on you—the hunter. But don't worry, finding ways to steady your rifle isn’t as complicated as it might seem.

The Sling Method

The humble rifle sling is more than just a carrying strap. When properly adjusted, it’s like having a third hand to help keep your aim steady. It’s a technique still taught in some military branches, and for good reason. Here’s how the World War II field manual for the M1903 Springfield describes it:

  1. Loosen the lower loop of your sling
  2. Grasp the rifle just in rear of the lower band swivel with the left hand and grasp the small of the stock with the right hand.
  3. Throw the sling to the left and catch it above the elbow and high on the arm.
  4. Remove the left hand from the rifle, pass the left hand under the sling, then over the sling, and regrasp the rifle with the left hand so as to cause the sling to lie along the hand and wrist. The sling may be given one-half turn to the left and then adjusted. This twisting causes the sling to lie smoothly along the hand and wrist.

This method isn't exactly the epitome of comfort or convenience, but when you're forced to shoot standing, it’s much more accurate than free-handing your rifle. It’s also practical in competitions where shooters are required to shoot standing and on the move.

Mastering Your Stance

Stability is all about contact points—how many you can make between your rifle, your body, and any available support – including the ground. Ideally, your rifle should be snugly tucked into your shoulder, with your cheek comfortably resting on the cheek rest. If your cheek rest feels too low for your scope, consider adding a cheek riser for better alignment.

If you’ve got solid terrain around you, use it. Rest your rifle’s barrel on a sturdy log, rock, or fence—anything that can support its weight. If you don’t have any natural supports around, kneel and prop your support arm’s elbow on your knee. But if you want maximum accuracy, nothing beats the prone position. With a bipod, sandbags, or even your backpack, you’ll have more contact points than any other stance. The trade-off? You’ll be down at worm’s-eye level, which isn’t great for visibility.

For those who want the best of both worlds—standing visibility with a rock-steady rifle—a tripod is your best bet. The Kopfjäger K700 and K800 tripods are top contenders for hunters who demand stability and flexibility.

The K700 is crafted from sturdy aluminum, giving it the durability needed to withstand rugged outdoor conditions. It features 3-level leg extensions with locking levers, allowing you to quickly adjust the height and find the perfect position, whether you’re on uneven terrain or a flat surface. This tripod is built to handle the demands of serious hunters, providing a reliable platform that won’t let you down when it matters most.

Meanwhile, the K800 tripod takes things up a notch with its carbon fiber construction. This material makes the K800 incredibly lightweight without sacrificing strength, perfect for those long treks into the wilderness where every ounce counts. It also features the same 3-level leg extensions and locking levers, ensuring you get the same versatile adjustability as the K700.

But it’s the head attachments that really make these tripods shine. The Reaper Grip is an adjustable, pivoting grip designed to accommodate both tapered and straight stocks and chassis. This means your rifle will stay locked in place without any movement from recoil, giving you the confidence to take that critical shot. The Reaper Grip’s ability to adapt to various stock designs makes it a versatile tool for any hunter.

If you prefer a more traditional setup, the Reaper Hellbound is a classic saddle rest that provides a secure and stable platform for your rifle. Whether you’re using a bolt-action rifle with a tapered stock or a modern chassis rifle, the Hellbound offers a rock-solid hold that minimizes movement and maximizes accuracy.

With these techniques and tools in your arsenal, you'll be ready to make every shot count, no matter the situation.


To shop Kopfjäger Tripods, click here.

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