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Large Caliber Hunting

Large Caliber Hunting

When the earliest firearms were used on the battlefields of Europe and Asia, they were envisioned primarily as artillery pieces for destroying walls and large clumps of enemy infantry. The so-called “handgonne” could weigh as much as 22lbs, while in later years the smaller and more portable muskets still weighed 10.5lbs to accommodate the recoil of their large caliber ammo.

Full-size calibers like the .30-06 and 8mm Mauser were very common during the world wars. With barely any difference between hunting rifles and military rifles, returning veterans never complained about having to drag their nine or ten pound guns on long hunting trips through the wilderness. However, these rifles were heavy to carry and difficult to aim in the standing position.

With the advent of the intermediate cartridge, some hunters began to believe smaller, lighter calibers were better. Hunters began to hunt with .223 and 6.5 Creedmoor. While there is nothing wrong with these rounds and they are indeed very accurate in the right hands, they lack the versatility and assurance provided by larger calibers. While a hunter may kill an elk or a buffalo with a .223, it’s the same as saying one could theoretically cut a steak with chopsticks. Can it be done? Well, yes. But it’s not as efficient as cutting it with a knife.

In the same way, having one large caliber rifle will guarantee something that can kill any large mammal from javelinas to Kodiak bears. It should be stated, though, that it would only be practical for stand hunting, and while it’s possible to bring your 24-pound rifle out with you on a long hunt on a drag bag, it’s preferable to hunt from a stand so you won’t have to carry your rifle more than a few hundred yards.

However, if you want to be like our forefathers but don’t want to suffer the weight, use a backpack sling or drag bag with shoulder straps. A carry setup like this will be more comfortable over longer distances, and when you reach your destination, you can set up with a Kopfjäger aluminum tripod. With a maximum weight capacity of 25lbs, it would be a massive advantage to your trip, enabling you to shoot sitting, standing, and prone supported. With a Kopfjäger reaper grip, you can rest assured that your rifle’s point of impact won’t be flying off in weird directions after you pull the trigger.

A man attempting to fire the McCrees Precision rifle below from a freehanded position would experience an enormous POI shift if he had nothing to brace the rifle with.

This beast of a rifle is known for its ability to reach out and touch targets as far away as a mile, and it has recoil to match its power. A Kopfjäger tripod provides the stability needed for people who wish to shoot this heavy, high caliber weapon either standing or kneeling.

The prone position may be beneficial for firing when your vision isn’t obstructed by tall grass and bushes, but when your prey is standing just over the horizon and you need to stick your head out to see it, standing and kneeling positions are preferred.

The Kopfjäger aluminum tripod gives shooters the comfort and shot versatility they need to turn their heavy competition pieces into viable hunting firearms, yet another reason to buy this remarkable piece of equipment.

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  • Well then, Warren, let nuffin’ but time get in your way… F#*king clown trolls everywhere. Hurry up and print your 3-legged sh#tbox and send me the link so I can buy one. While I’m waiting, I’m jumpin’ on dis cat’s meeeeoooooowwwwwwwww. Does that rifle come wit’ it tho?

    Wrecking Crew
  • Give me an F’n break. The only part of this set up differing from then old ultra light weight video camera tripods is the adaption of a gun mounting platform. Anyone with 3D printing experience can produce their own for under $10 or on a milling machine with a $20 block of aluminum.


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