Learn Something New

Kopfjäger’s Small Diameter Rifle Grip is all about learning and adapting.

Learning anything in life is easier at a younger age. Want to speak another language? Learn as a child. Want to read? Learn as a child. What about sports mastery? Learn as a child. Thus, children who encounter and handle firearms are more likely to grow to be competent, safe 2nd Amendment practitioners.

Children are the future and if we want to protect American liberty from all enemies, foreign and domestic, we need a generation of competent, effective firearms users.

small diameter rifle grip
An adult guiding a young firearms user

Learn Firearms

But how can children learn about firearms? The industry is generally geared towards adults. Only adults may purchase firearms and ammunition.

Rifles and handguns are designed for adult handlers because of their size and weight. Firearms and their accessories can be expensive—and most children don’t have jobs or money.

Limitations on children’s access to firearms is obviously correct, too. Children are young, inexperienced and impulsive—a poor combination for anyone handling firearms.

small diameter rifle grip
Kopfjäger Small Diameter Rifle grip

Involving Children

So the question becomes, how can we educate and empower children to use firearms in a responsible way? There are a multitude of solutions. Allowing children to practice with pellet guns, BB guns and low-caliber firearms like .22s are a good start.

Witnessing adults use firearms responsibly is another method. Youthful hunter education courses are also beneficial.

Overall, the goal is to demystify firearms for children, so instead of learning from a delinquent child who stole their father’s 9mm from his nightstand, they can properly learn from mature adults.  

The Legendary Reaper Grip System

How Kopfjäger Helps

Kopfjäger also plays a role. The Kopfjäger Small Diameter Rifle (SDR) grip is an accessory to the Reaper Grip. The SDR grip is designed to accommodate smaller-size rifles, air rifles and pellet guns.

Utilizing the rock-solid stability that Kopfjäger is known for, the SDR grip fits stocks down to 0.85 inches. When doubled, the SDR grip fits stocks as slim as 0.25 inches. This added support and solidity allows children (or adults using small rifles) to exercise a fantastic degree of control and precision over their firearm.

Weighing a mere 4.3 ounces and boasting a hardy silicone construction, the SDR grip allows the youth to enjoy the confidence that accompanies using any Kopfjäger product!

Also, the Reaper Grip system features a ‘panning’ knob on its right side, which can be tightened to maximize control over the firearm.

small diameter rifle grip
The Kopfjäger SDR grip in black—and the Reaper Grip in gray

Importance of Educating Children

Educating children on firearms safety and the importance of the 2nd Amendment is one of the most important things a parent can do.

To provide a safe future for our children, we need to properly prepare them for the real world. The threats of criminals, terrorists and usurpatious governments are always present.

If our children are going to live free, they need to be trained and educated on firearms use—and Kopfjäger is here to help.